Koko Dozo - Space Is The Face!
Space Alien Nation, Koko Dozo, Polarity1.com, Polarity/1, https://www.polarity-1.com/music/kokodozo/space-alien-nation/span-1Space Alien Nation, Koko Dozo, Polarity1.com, Polarity/1, https://www.polarity-1.com/music/kokodozo/space-alien-nation/span-1Space Alien Nation: Info-Nizz for the Hup Alien Lumphoi, Koko Dozo, Polarity1.com, Polarity/1, https://www.polarity-1.com/music/kokodozo/space-alien-nation/span-1
Space Alien Nation, Polarity1.com, Polarity/1, Koko Dozo, https://www.polarity-1.com/music/kokodozo/space-alien-nation/span-1
Issue #5  (of 11)  •  Oct, 2008

rend Is Source Of Galactic Pride Throughout Torculom

Space Alien Nation, Polarity1.com, Polarity/1, Koko Dozo, https://www.polarity-1.com/music/kokodozo/space-alien-nation/span-1
Drulth Zhoog HHamugli, Gudladinjin Mashundidundix
Space Alien Nation, Polarity1.com, Polarity/1, Koko Dozo, https://www.polarity-1.com/music/kokodozo/space-alien-nation/span-1
Space Alien Nation, Polarity1.com, Polarity/1, Koko Dozo, https://www.polarity-1.com/music/kokodozo/space-alien-nation/span-1
Gudladinjin Mashundidundix (left) and Earthform replica (right)

   The impact of the discovery of the planet, Earth, still reverberates in so many surprising ways. Of course there is the music of Koko Dozo which continues its assault on the bodily functions of their earthform fans. The continued rise of Barack Obama ever since John and Cindy McCain attempted to dance the funky norpse at a rally in the southern regions. And in our own galactic regions, the use of Twinkies from Earth as a fulge-guzm device in sexual activities has created quite a pleasant amusement.

  More recently our Koko Dozoan, Gambothna Geebis, has sent us reports of the growing influence of our Vep Mummims Torculom aesthetics on the body fashions of many earthforms. This phe-nomenon has become a source of pride for all citizens of Torculom.

Festivals dedicated to the traditions of Vep exceptionalism have been a delightful expression of this resurgence of pride. And Jomboz! for the recent Vep slaughter of the neigboring tribes of Shubblezundy. Finally the festering spulb Shubblezundy has been removed from our Torculom orbit. Perhaps the next explosion of pride will clean up the rest of the galaxy.

ZUZZ! It's a galactic thing. Space Alien Nation, Koko Dozo, Polarity1.com, Polarity/1, https://www.polarity-1.com/music/kokodozo/space-alien-nation/span-1

Space Alien Nation, Polarity1.com, Polarity/1, Koko Dozo, https://www.polarity-1.com/music/kokodozo/space-alien-nation/span-1

The Loyfyub Zhufmalog:

This Wild And Wacky Omposm Called Earth
by Farfummf Shibadigdis

Greetings my peepeez and doggies.

  Perhaps you remember Noobdrullin Wubbendoybi--that drenk-smoking gilgank, that reeking puddle of gomulent spooze, that chongoid fulge-dropping, that witless skunz, that numfardle, that fumulous doofwombie, that slerm-eating needle-norpse, that useless bingboinging thiggle, that drooling jomboz. We all know about the horrifying deeds he perpetrated sometime back before I was born which are still considered to be an infamous fezzip upon the sacred satin loins of our planet's glorious history.

But of course more recently he has changed his ways and is much admired for, among other things, his quite amazing skills in the art of the Funky Norpse dance.

Recent occurrances on Earth have led me to recall Noobdrullin Wubbendoybi and the famous leadership contest between Clamoomeez Hyyupadg and Jid Bibdor Meujx. You will recall that despite Meujx’s superior Funky Norpse performance, he lost the contest because Hyyupadg accused him of having once worked for the same employer as Wubbendoybi and had engaged in some conversations with him. So the inference was made that Meujx must therefore also be a drenk-smoking gilgank, etc. And certainly a danger to the entire planet.

In a similar way, earthform John McCain has accused Barack Obama of being dangerous because he knows somebody who had once committed vile deeds but is currently dedicated to honorable work. But here on Earth, McCain’s strategy is not working as it did for Clamoomeez Hyyupadg. The tactic just makes Barack Obama more popular. It was assumed that such a strategy would appeal to small-brained male earthforms, but it appears to have failed.

It is quite impressive that an Arab Muslim terrorist born in Hawaii--not in the The Yoo-Ass-Ay, Yoo-Ass-Ay, Yoo-Ass-Ay--could be presumed to be competent because he acts, speaks and thinks like one who is competent. These earthforms, despite their many trivial obsessions and fetus-brained beliefs, also show signs of a deep intelligence. There is still so much to learn in this strange and gulbnoin place.


Space Alien Nation, Polarity1.com, Polarity/1, Koko Dozo, https://www.polarity-1.com/music/kokodozo/space-alien-nation/span-1

Perhaps you have noticed that the recent nocturnal sonic emissions by Koko Dozo have featured two rather than three members. That is because Fupsigom Dinyoiks has disappeared. Koko Dozo garbler, Gambothna Geebis and their noizformer, Farfummf Shibadigdis, have informed us that Mvr. Dinyoiks has proclaimed Mr. Potatohead as the true Master Of The Universe. The Blessed Exalted Lumloo Fiduppadoi has relocated the horned Koko Dozan to   the Bogotá region of Earth.

Sonic emmissions, Space Alien Nation, Koko Dozo, Polarity1.com, Polarity/1, https://www.polarity-1.com/music/kokodozo/space-alien-nation/span-1

Space Alien Nation, Koko Dozo, Polarity1.com, Polarity/1, https://www.polarity-1.com/music/kokodozo/space-alien-nation/span-1

Space Alien Nation, Koko Dozo, Polarity1.com, Polarity/1, https://www.polarity-1.com/music/kokodozo/space-alien-nation/span-1
designed & written by Polar Levine, except Page Sux, written by Amy Douglas